President Joe Biden has led America to the brink
of economic collapse by pushing the
worst policies of all time. America as we know
it can change in just a few months’ time!

It is imperative to secure your wealth before
this doomsday scenario becomes a reality.


An urgent message for you . . .

I am writing you this letter today because as the financial publisher of Newsmax, I feel it is my responsibility to provide you not only opportunities, but also potential warnings.

We’re moving closer and closer toward an almost inevitable monetary meltdown that’s been brought on by one bad decision after another.

The market might be performing well now, but this is just the calm before the storm.

I wish I could tell you that we could pull ourselves out of this nosedive — that there was something we could do to stop this meltdown from happening.

But the “leaders” of our country seem hell-bent on letting it happen.

Or worse . . .

They seem like they’re actively trying to bring on doomsday — not just for Americans, but for the rest of the world as well.

Because if America fails, so does the rest of the globe.

And if things can’t be turned around, we’re looking at a financial collapse.

However, because you’re reading this now — there is hope.

For those who have the foresight to understand what’s happening and realize the direction in which our financial world is headed . . .

You’re getting an opportunity to protect yourself and your family from the bleak financial fate that most people will meet.

As the financial publisher here at Newsmax, I make it a priority to keep a close eye on the financial world . . .

Not just the current markets, but more importantly what is on the horizon and happening around the world.

Putting a focus on where things could be heading allows us to make money now and protect it for the future.

We’re in the middle of what seems to be a perfect storm that could threaten to not only drastically affect your financial future, but destroy the American way of life.

That is why I decided to put together this Three-Piece Protection Package for our Newsmax family.

Below I will explain what each piece consists of and how it can help you to act now, instead of sitting back and hoping for the best.

We are beyond the point of hope.

It is time for Americans to take action in order to secure their futures.

The End of the American Dream?

As a patriot, I hold both the land and the ideals of this country very near and dear to my heart.

I bleed red, white, and blue.

And it’s troubling to see the rest of the globe watching our nation fall deeper and deeper down a financial hole we may never be able to dig ourselves out of.

I grew up expecting our leaders to give future generations the same opportunity previous generations were given.

America was where any hardworking person could make their own opportunity for success.

But over the past few years, it seems that one side of the political aisle is hell-bent on turning our once prosperous nation into a Third World country.

And it all starts with our money.

The downward spiral started back in 2008, when the federal government and Federal Reserve conspired to create “quantitative easing” in order to overcome the financial calamity brought on by overlending and the greed of big banks.

This is well-documented.

I’m probably not telling you anything you don’t already know.

Odds are you lived through it and faced the same hardships so many Americans did during those dark times.

Well . . .

I should say most Americans, because funnily enough, it seemed like a LOT of politicians THRIVED during the Great Recession.

Some even built generational wealth during the same time most Americans were suffering.

It wasn’t just the rampant use of insider information throughout Congress.

And even worse . . .

They haven’t stopped fleecing the American people since then.

But what they’re planning next could take all regular hardworking Americans down.

America’s Precarious Future

It is no secret that President Joe Biden’s executive orders have pushed the nation to the edge of an economic abyss.

From canceling student debt to closing oil pipelines.

So, what does the future hold for everyday Americans?

In looking for answers, I came across a book that I believe hit the nail on the head with many actionable resources.

Adam Baratta, author of The Great Devaluation, gives a lesson in what has happened, and what the future holds.

Brace yourself for an eye-opening exploration of the challenges that lie ahead.

However, before we move forward, there’s something astounding I think you should know.

It has to do with our recessions.

Did you know that of the 14 recessions the U.S. has experienced, Democrats held the House of Representatives for ALL of them?

Another fact?

Of those 14 recessions, the Democrats held the Senate during 13 of them.

That’s telling.

It shows you how bad they are with monetary policy.

But ineptitude does NOT equal malice, right?

It may not have before — but it sure looks like it does now.

With every government action taken that leaves us further and further behind, it is hard not to think there is more behind it than inability.

Bidenomics: The Dem Dream

When Joe Biden took the helm, he touted his Bidenomics plan, selling Americans on the hope for progress and prosperity.

But simply put, Bidenomics was a “woke” dream that sought to address “economic inequality,” boost job growth, and tackle climate change.

However, as the government pumped money into the economy . . .

Questions arose about the inflationary impact and long-term consequences of such massive spending.

Even more . . .

Concerns emerged about the sustainability of Bidenomics, as we watched the debt counter keep ticking up and up, soon to cross the $35 trillion mark.

While the immediate focus was on addressing social justice issues . . .

People started asking questions about whether the plan had any fiscal responsibility.

Of course, the Biden administration started facing immense pressure to address both the immediate economic challenges and longer-term issues of adding that much debt to our ledger.

The effectiveness of Bidenomics depended on striking a delicate balance between stimulating economic growth and ensuring fiscal prudence.

They fell short.

Adam Baratta understood that the efforts of the Democrats were going to fail.

Because they ALWAYS fail.

Politicians have been failing Americans for DECADES.

What they’ve been doing — and continue to do — to the American dollar is criminal.

If it was just Biden and the 117th Congress that failed us, I’d say throw them all in jail.

But they’re just part of the problem.

They’ve brought us to the point that if something doesn’t change — and change DRASTICALLY and quickly — we may lose a lot more than our credit rating.

Luckily, Adam Baratta has a contingency plan. It’s something he outlined for us in his latest book, The Great Devaluation.

This plan is the main reason I decided to include his book with my special offer to our Newsmax family.

This downward debt spiral we’re on is far from over and will create economic destruction resetting the marketplace.

Biden Blunders on Day 1


It’s a complex economic phenomenon influenced by numerous factors.

And as much as the current administration and its supporters hate to admit it . . .

The president’s policies and executive orders are chief among these factors.

Inflation has SOARED under Joe Biden . . .

The inept government has grossly increased government borrowing alongside the highest government spending in history.

The impact has been felt by American consumers and businesses alike — leading to rising costs, supply chain disruptions, and heightened economic uncertainty.

Biden’s war on oil is seen by MANY as the catalyst for the current inflationary period we find ourselves in.

Day ONE in office, he nixed the Keystone XL pipeline that would have seen at least 25,000 jobs and billions in revenue for American companies.

And then, a few months later, he banned any oil fracking on federal land.

It’s like he DELIBERATELY wanted to take away our oil independence.

This is what many believe triggered our economic tailspin.

The fact that Americans are still paying double or even TRIPLE at the pump than they were under Donald Trump proves this point.

Simply put, inflation under Biden’s presidency has soared.

And while they SAY they’re getting it under control, they are simply falsifying the numbers while everyday Americans continue to struggle.

These problems NEED to be discussed if we’re going to come up with an action plan.

The Great Devaluation peels back the layers of inflationary forces, providing a comprehensive analysis of their effects on our economy.

By examining the historical context of inflation and its modern manifestations, as well as the continued destined-for-failure policies that Biden keeps FORCING onto the American people, we get a better understanding of where we’re headed and how long the effects are going to last.

Building a financial fortress as the American dollar continues its slide has never been more important.

Make sure to take advantage of this special offer so you can receive your copy of The Great Devaluation and use Adam Baratta’s detailed contingency plan.

A Safe Harbor for the
Coming Financial Storm

As a nation . . .

We stand at a fork in the road.

The American dollar is getting closer and closer to falling into a death spiral.

And some say it’s a spiral we won’t recover from.

The dollar and economy are too far gone for a quick turnaround.

We might be looking at decades.

The government is currently printing $500 million a day to keep up with its spending.

This is simply unsustainable.

The current inflationary environment has allowed countries like China and Russia to team up against the dollar on the international trade stage.

The intergovernmental organization BRICS is gaining strength, with the comprising countries already trading outside of the U.S. dollar.

Because I think we are going to be looking at a complete shift in America’s monetary system, I reached out to the most experienced and trusted advisers I know.

I wanted to provide our Newsmax family with knowledge that mainstream media won’t be talking about.

Something you won’t get from a talking head on a financial show or your financial adviser.

My team and I did a deep dive and put together our new report . . . The War on Cash: The Death of the Dollar in a Digital World

Inside this exciting new report, you will discover:

  • The multiple war tactics being used against cash
  • Our frightening new surveillance state
  • How the digital dollar isn’t just used as currency
  • What to do to protect yourself from these tactics
  • And much, much more.

Personally, I was blown away by this report; I think you will be, too.

What you will learn in this report will highlight and back up the insight and planning you will find in The Great Devaluation.

Make sure to take advantage of our new report with this special offer.

As we navigate the complexities of America’s economic future . . .

From understanding inflationary pressures to evaluating the consequences of policy decisions . . .

We know the destruction of the American dollar is happening . . .

Whether or not it was planned doesn’t matter, because we’re watching it happen in real time regardless of who’s at fault.

How to Protect and
Prosper in Uncertainty

During times like this, investing can be nerve-racking.

Everything in this letter has been telling you about how we are predicting the collapse of the dollar and economy — as the market sits at all-time highs.

The question for most investors is, how can this be sustainable?

How can I take advantage of the current market activity but also keep my risk at a safe level when it takes a downturn?

Well, for the past 12 years, one of our in-house wealth advisory services has provided more than 100,000 subscribers with the means to protect, grow, and achieve wealth no matter what turmoil the financial markets throw our way.

In fact, it has been in the mission statement of Ultimate Wealth Report since May 2012.

The Ultimate Wealth Report was built to provide the tools you need to build your own ultimate wealth portfolio.

The problems with our economy are not going to fade. If anything, they’ll multiply as the government continues to increase spending and push the left’s agenda.

The triple threat of inflation, taxation, and cash-strapped consumers who cut back on spending will continue to cripple the economy.

But by playing the trends that are reshaping the future global economy, you can profit handsomely.

It will enable you to combat the perilous economic moves of the government, and even profit from their errors in judgment.

The senior financial editor of Ultimate Wealth Report is Tom Luongo

His decades of experience have made him one of the top go-to market informers.

Here is a quick note from Tom:

By taking a holistic approach to profiting from the geopolitical trends unfolding, I incorporated not only precious metals but capital flows, shifts in energy production, and the need to hedge future uncertainty through cash-flow generation while properly weighting exploration risk to its potential reward over time.

I am successful because I am future goal-oriented and do not get bogged down in minutia. To apply those root cause analysis skills to the financial markets and the global political/economic landscape is a natural evolution of my career as a chemist.

I continue to acquire the skills necessary to further my understanding of markets and am unafraid to assimilate a new skill. My comfort zone is in being uncomfortable and challenging not only conventional wisdom, but myself.

Today, it is my goal to be the very best forecaster of future events, as well as the best communicator.

Stocks, Shocks, and Rocks is a further refinement of what has been a winning strategy at Newsmax. I use the latest technical insights to find great trades and investments.

As you can tell from Tom’s note, his mind works differently than most people’s.

For decades, he’s been thinking outside the box to discover opportunities for profit in any environment.

You can find Tom speaking on international investment strategy panels and some of the largest investing podcasts.

He is one of a kind — and that is why we at Newsmax handpicked him to run the Ultimate Wealth Report subscription service.

Tom’s most recent pick in the Common Stock Portfolio is already up 24.25% in just two months.

The Common Stock pick prior to that is up a whopping 192.51% in just three months.

With gains like that — on just the most recent two picks recommended to his subscribers — how can you afford not to join the thousands of subscribers and be part of the Newsmax Money family?

Here is everything the Ultimate Wealth Report offers:

Each month, you will receive an eight-page report that goes in depth on what stocks are being picked to buy and why. It is an easy read that will help you make informed decisions on great opportunities without you having to do all the research.

You will have access to the portfolios:

  • Commodity
  • Wealth Builder
  • Common Stock

Each portfolio services different types of stocks.

In the weekly podcast, editor Tom Luongo goes over what’s going on in the market, current news, and answers all submitted questions. The goal is to keep you informed about what is happening inside your investments each week. Transcripts of each podcast are available as well.

The website is the home for all previous editions, podcasts, special reports, and alerts. You will have 24/7 access to both portfolios from your smartphone or tablet.

A subscription to Ultimate Wealth Report will enable you to combat the perilous economic moves of the government — and even profit from their errors in judgment — by buying commodity-based exchange-traded funds, commodity-related stocks, stocks that benefit from rises in foreign currencies, and foreign currency ETFs.

Unless you are studying the world markets 24/7, you need someone to help you.

The Ultimate Wealth Report retails for $109.95 per year, and you can subscribe for that low price anytime.

It’s a tiny fraction of what this level of research is worth.

But because I believe there is great urgency with today’s message, I am going to give you an opportunity to subscribe for 57% off.

Instead of $109.95, you can join the Ultimate Wealth Report community today for the low price of just $47.

Consider it my thanks for being part of the Newsmax family.

My hope is to warn and protect as many subscribers as possible.

So, join Ultimate Wealth Report with this heavily discounted offer and let Tom guide you through whatever is on the horizon for building wealth in changing environments.

Your subscription comes with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

This gives you 60 days to look over everything we send — the book, investment reports, monthly newsletter, Tom’s weekly podcast, and everything else. If after 60 days you decide Ultimate Wealth Report is not right for you, you can reach out and get 100% of your money back.

You can keep the book, special reports, and all the research you received free of charge — my thanks for giving our research a try.

I’m doing this to remove any doubt from your mind that joining our community is the best way to protect and grow your wealth. You’ll see it for yourself the moment you join.

To claim your 57% discount, simply click on the button below.

It will take you to a secure order form where you can review all the benefits you’ll receive as our newest member.

I want to thank you today for taking the time to read this message.

I hope it’s given you the courage to act and take advantage of the numerous opportunities that will emerge as a result.

But the fact is, you’ll get much more than basic investment recommendations when you subscribe.

You’ll also get monthly analysis on the biggest developments affecting your life and your freedoms.

Having our insights, along with our recommendations, will help you sleep better at night in this topsy-turvy world we live in.

We’re here to help. Take advantage of this limited-time opportunity to save 57% while this message is still up.

Just click the button below to get started.

On behalf of the Newsmax family, I want to welcome you as the newest member of Ultimate Wealth Report.

Take advantage of this offer and start saving money today.


Jeff Relic

Financial Publisher, Newsmax